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Educational structure of population

Figures in Finland Definition
Educational structure of population (StatFin) Population aged 15 or over by level of education and age group
Population aged 15 or over by field of education (StatFin) Population aged 15 or over by field of education and age group

Number of students, qualifications and education providers

Figures in Finland Definition More information
Students (StatFin) Students in education leading to a qualification by field of education Students and qualifications, statistics
Qualifications (StatFin) Qualifications in education leading to a qualification by field of education Students and qualifications, statistics
Doctoral qualifications (StatFin) Qualifications by field of education and level of education. Doctoral or equivalent level qualification and professional specialisation in medicine, veterinary and dentistry University education, statistics
Providers of education (StatFin) Providers of education and educational institutions: universities, universities of applied sciences, military academies and summer universities Providers of education and educational institutions, statistics


Figures in Finland Definition International comparison More information
  Gross domestic expenditure on research and development (R&D), % of GDP (GERD) GERD (Eurostat) Research and development, statistics
R&D Costs (StatFin) Research and development expenditure, personnel and full-time equivalents by performing sector   Research and development, statistics
R&D investments (StatFin) Research and development gross fixed capital formation (P51) by Industry, at current prices   Annual national accounts

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