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Business and business outlook

Interested in the Finnish economy? Please find the latest GDP, trade and foreign investment statistics here.

General information

Figures in Finland Definition International comparison More information
GDP per capita (StatFin)  Gross domestic product at current prices, euros/capita Gross domestic product at market prices (Eurostat) Annual national accounts, statistics
Inflation (StatFin) Inflation: annual changes of consumer price index, annual average % Inflation rate (Eurostat) Consumer price index, statistics
Population (StatFin) Population 31.12. by age, persons Population by age group (Eurostat) Population structure, statistics


International trade

Figures in Finland Definition International comparison More information
Exports of goods and services percent of GDP (StatFin) Exports of goods and services, percentage of gross domestic product, % Exports of goods and services percent of GDP (Eurostat) Annual national accounts, statistics
International trade (StatFin) International trade in goods and services, imports and exports of goods and services, 1 000 000 euros Exports and imports of goods and services (Eurostat) International trade in goods and services, statistics
Exports of goods (Uljas database)
Exports of goods, preliminary data, million euros (Customs)  

International trade statistics

Instructions for the Uljas statistical database

Exports of services (StatFin) International trade in services, exports by service item, 1 000 000 euros   International trade in goods and services, statistics
Imports and exports by countries (xlsx) Imports and exports by countries according to magnitude   International trade statistics
Exports of computer services (StatFin) International trade in computer services (SI2), exports million euros   International trade in goods and services, statistics


Foreign direct investments and foreign affiliates in Finland

Figures in Finland Definition More information
Foreign affiliates by country (StatFin) Foreign affiliates in Finland by country, number of affiliates, employees (FTE), turnover (million euro) Foreign affiliates in Finland, statistics
Foreign affiliates by industry (StatFin) Foreign affiliates in Finland by industry, number of affiliates, employees (FTE), turnover (million euro) Foreign affiliates in Finland, statistics
Foreign direct inward investments by country (StatFin) Foreign direct inward investments by country, stock, million euros Foreign direct investments, statistics
Foreign direct outward investments by country (StatFin) Foreign direct outward investments by country, stock, million euros Foreign direct investments, statistics
Foreign direct inward investments by industry (StatFin) Foreign direct inward investments by industry, stock, million euros Foreign direct investments, statistics
Foreign direct outward investments by industry (StatFin) Foreign direct outward investments by industry, stock, million euros Foreign direct investments, statistics


Finland in Figures

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